Customer Testimonials

I was very pleased with the services I received from Brandywine insurance group. Change is very difficult for me. Your company eased the anxiety I was experiencing.

  • Davida A.

Quick response with options to choose from. Made the review process very easy. Group was good to work with.

  • Mark G.

Actually, I am a completely happy client. I was totally satisfied with all of my interaction with Chris, I’m satisfied with my new policy, and the follow-up and speed that i received my documents by both e-mail and snail mail. I’m looking forward to remaining this happy for a long time.

  • Jean L.

You made sure we received several quotes and considered many coverage options. Also, you seemed interested in getting our business but were not pushy about it.

  • Larry P.

Quick, courteous service

  • John R.

Answered all my questions in a timely matter and explained everything to me when I had any questions about any paperwork that I did not understand. Application process was very easy and well explained.

  • Christine D.

Very helpful. Prompt responses.

  • Bryan B.

Chris has been SO helpful I finding the right package for my high risk son! He answered questions many times, and found a package that works for us!!

  • Cathleen M.

I thought the process was excellent. The info presented was factual and professional without a hard sale making the decision process easier.

  • Kenneth C.

Good job seeking out best cost options for me. Was not happy when original homeowners contract sent to me was not what had been agreed to. You should have caught the error before I did. Otherwise, good job.

  • Patrick L.

Took the time to find the best coverage at the best price—Having the ability to represent all the key insurance companies, eliminates the bias of pushing one policy over another. Once again, giving your clients the best recommended solution based on their needs.

  • Kevin M.

Chris was great. Really appreciated the personalized and thorough service in satisfying our insurance needs. Quick call backs and responses to our questions made the process so smooth. We hope to be with Chris and the Brandywine Insurance Group for a long time and would and have recommended them to individuals for their insurance needs. Thanks again.

  • Thomas D.


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